The Species

Mud crab is indigenous to Seychelles and broodstock can be obtained from local waters for use in aquaculture Facilities, has a high meat quality, and there is a growing global demand for soft- and hard-shell crabs for domestic and international markets.

Environmental and Oceanographic Conditions

The environmental conditions of Seychelles waters, such as temperature and salinity, are ideally suited to mud crab growth and survival. Hatchery, nursery and grow-out facilities in tank- and pond-based systems can thus be developed in Seychelles.

Access to Markets

Seychelles’ level of transport infrastructure and location in the middle of the western Indian Ocean makes it ideal for aquaculture production; It has access to markets in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia, via air and sea transport, and is able to receive imports of supplies, such as feed and technical equipment, from high-quality suppliers around the world. It also has access to local markets as products can be transported within and between islands.

Soft-shell crabs can be frozen and transported to export markets. Live crabs can remain out of water for four to five days, as long as they are kept in suitable cool and moist condition. This allows for ease of transport of live hard-shelled crabs to domestic and export markets.